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Then and Now

   In the early 1960's, the music scene in East Central Wisconsin was different from today. There were a lot of bands out there, trying to follow their dreams. Trying to follow in the footsteps of some of the Greats that blazed the way before them. At the time, young men themselves; like, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Ricky Nelson, Eddie Cochran, guitar great Freddie King, and The Ventures. Richie Valens, The Big Bopper, The Everly Bros. all unknowingly becoming legends in music history.                                                   

   Meanwhile in Sheboygan Wisconsin, bands like The Premiers, The Matadors, Teen Kings, and others, were making a name for themselves too.  Even at some point in time, anyone or more of the members of any particular band, may have played with members of other bands in different groups. Everyone knew everyone. A great time to be in a band.

  The Eldorados were no exception. In the early years, the members of the group had played with other groups at one time or another, just as everyone had.  Together they played at some of the more popular clubs, dance halls, and tavern establishments of the time. From the familiar haunts of the local YMCA, the popular Weiler's Ballroom in Port Washington, upwards to Green Bay and other "happening" spots throughout Central and Northern Wisconsin. These five musicians probably played together the longest and notably made up The Eldorados .

In this promotional photo from the sixties, the members were:

Allen Berchem... Don Cvetan... Lance Schuh... Stu Froehlich... Dennis Behring

They pleased crowds with their solid rock sound and had them dancing till the wee hours of the morning. The five played together for several years. As things would go, high school passed, armed services called and a couple of the guys answered the call. The band had to be put on hold. Family life and jobs made for changes.

Someday, we'll be back.

   That someday came some twenty years later.   It was thought for an upcoming class reunion, if the band could get together and play, it would be alot of fun. So.... a call went out to the original members living here in the Sheboygan area. Everyone thought it was a great idea. They found everyone, Allen, Don, Stu, Lance... but drummer Dennis was unable to join them.

   Not out of luck yet, Stu called a friend he had met at technical school. Enter Tom Lange...

Remembering  Tom had played drums in a couple of bands in his school days, Stu asked and Tom accepted.

   Again they were five and ready to Rock again. And "Rock" they did. The Reunion went so well, they thought they would try doing a few more jobs. The Eldorados were back! And amazingly, they sounded as good or better than they did in their youth. They kept most of their original instruments in good shape and playing well. The amplifiers were the same or like those they had in the "old band", this giving them the classic 50's-60's sound, that period of music was known for.

  This undistorted, solid sound is what set their music apart from the sounds of the present. For some, a refreshing change from the squeals of the music heard today.

Pictured from the left: Don Cvetan, Stu Froehlich, Allen Berchem, Lance Schuh, and Tom Lange

   Change again was in the wind... Lead singer Lance Schuh, longing to be more active in performing than the band was at the time, said he was going to bow out  and do some more performing with one the other area bands. The group was sad to see him leave, but with growing families and job commitments, occasional performances were all the group could do for the time being. Where do you find a singer?

   Tom offered a suggestion. He knew a friend from school who enjoyed singing. Maybe he would be interested in trying out. So a call was made to one, Mike King. After hearing what Tom had to say, Mike said he would give it a try.  And so they were five again. That was back in the late 80's. These five artists have been performing together for the past 12 years.

Pictured L to R: Allen Berchem, Mike King, Don Cvetan, Tom Lange, and Stu Froehlich.

   As a new millenium brought changes to our world, so it brought changes to The Eldorados.   Our drummer of these past several years, Tom, had an opportunity to move on in yet another musical direction. So we wished him well and best of luck in the future.

   The Eldorados were far from hanging up their guitars and put their heads together once more to find his replacement. As luck would have it, our last performance together with Tom unknowingly gave us an answer to our problem. Stu had recognized a familiar face in the crowd that night. So when we learned of Tom's departure, this mans name was brought up as a possibility.

And his name was, Jim Harrison. A drummer and former member of another group from the early sixties, The Barons. He had told Stu that night it would be fun to play again. After discussion and a vote, we had a us a drummer. And so, The Eldorados will continue to "Rock" with their newest member.

The Eldorados   2003

Members on top (from left to right)

Don Cvetan *** Allen Berchem *** Stuart Froehlich

Down in front

Jim Harrison *** Mike King

August 2010, after a hiatus of 5 years, a change has come about.

A decision was made to bring the group back together. A trial performance to see if we could play once again.

This time with only four of us.

Calls were made to assemble three of the five and to enlist the services of an old friend.

So... The Eldorados were reunited!!

Returning members from the left:

Stu Froehlich *** Tom Lange *** Don Cvetan *** Mike King

Being short a lead guitar player wasn't stopping The Eldorados. Mike, our lead singer, picked up a guitar to play rhythm and Stu took on the leads. Tom returned to be our drummer and Don the "Bass-Man".

We were making music as good as we had in the past.

The photo above was taken at The Lakeshore Weekend Benefit, August 2010 in Sheboygan's Kiwanis Park.

Wow !! Just a few months later, in February 2011


All Five Friends are back together !!

The Eldorado Reunion

at The Aviation Heritage Center,   Sheboygan Airport

February 12, 2011

Returning members include from the left:

Stu Froehlich *** Mike King *** Don Cvetan *** Tom Lange *** Al Berchem

A Happy Day ! All the guys are here ! Stu and Al trading off leads. Don doing the bass. Tom is keeping us in beat on the drums. And Mike continues to fill in with rhythm guitar. Lead vocals shared by Mike, Stu, and Don. Background vocals Tom, Al, and the rest of the guys.

"The Eldorados 2013"

from the left:

Don Cvetan *** Stu Froehlich *** Al Berchem *** Tom Lange *** Mike King


Still rockin'and looking for more opportunities to answer

Your Music needs.

Remembering the music of the past and adding

their touch to some of the songs of the near past,

The Eldorados

Keep "Rockin' " into the New Millenium

and beyond !

Thank You again for your interest in

The Eldorados

Live Music is the Best!    

And the Best 50's & 60's Music is...

The Eldorados

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